May 14, 2016

Using AWS IoT button - Simple Example

Amazon did a limited release of the programmable Dash button and unsurprisingly it got sold out within a day. It’s stated in that “We don’t know when or if this item will be back in stock.”, hence you might need to wait to get one. I take this opportunity to write a post about how I used the AWS IoT button that I received in AWS re:Invent 2015 to show case AWS IoT to the team. Read more

December 20, 2015

Sending response back to CFN custom resource from python Lambda function

CloudFormation uses a pre-signed S3 URL to receive the response back from the custom resources managed by it. There are few blue prints available for Node.js Lambda custom resources but nothing available for python yet. Hence I created this simple function which shall be used to send the response back to CFN custom resource by performing PUT request to the pre-signed S3 URL. import json import requests def lambda_handler(event, context): responseStatus = 'SUCCESS' responseData = {} if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete': sendResponse(event, context, responseStatus, responseData) responseData = {'Success': 'Test Passed. Read more

December 7, 2015

Continuous Integration - Manage shared resources across accounts automatically

I prefer creating the base AMI using packer; RDS snapshot using a Jenkins job which get triggered whenever there is a change in the database schema in the SCM. In case of installers, binaries, etc. it would be best to store them in a single S3 bucket. In all the above mentioned scenarios I prefer to share those resources to a 3rd party AWS account and remove the share when not needed. Read more

December 6, 2015

CloudFormation parameters grouping and labelling

Last week AWS enhanced CloudFormation by adding new services like AWS CodePipeline, AWS Config, AWS KMS and few more; default stack limit also has been increased from 20 to 200. Among other new features they also have introduced this small but useful parameters grouping and labelling feature. Earlier all the parameters in a CFN template get listed in alphabetical order based on the logical name of the parameter. Also the parameters logical name is restricted to alphanumeric characters hence it causes some restrictions. Read more

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